Optional Prep: Minimum of 1 minute/day of breath awareness, noticing the sensations of the inhale and the exhale.
Lesson 1 ~ Introductions and Group Guidelines ~ What is Mindfulness?
Basics of Mindfulness
Intro to Mindfulness in Labor
Intro to supporting a client who took a Mindful Birthing course
Intro to how to utilize mindfulness for self-support as a doula
The Research: video
Breath Awareness and/or Body Scan
Lesson 2 ~ Discuss attitudes of mindfulness ~ The Challenges of Stress & Cultivating Care
Developing positive habits of mind
Training the body to respond to stress with relaxation: Body Scan
~ Cultivate generosity of spirit towards self and others others: Loving Kindness or Metta Meditation
Lesson 3 ~ Continue Mindfulness in Labor ~ Additional Mindfulness Techniques for Labor
Pain as an object of meditation, types of pain
Counting the Breath; Mantras
Informal practice (Waking to this Moment): Lunchtime Meditation
Lesson 4 ~ Being with Fear ~ Being with Difficult Situations
Options for responding to difficult situations
Loving Kindness / Metta continued
Forgiveness; RAIN / Compassion Break; Circle of Benefactors
Open Awareness Meditation
~ Conscious intentions and goals without attachment to outcome ~ Mindful transitions and good-byes
Lesson 5, Extras if Time Allows ~ If time allows "I’m Not My Thoughts (unless I choose to be)"
Discuss the observer/inner-witness
The Nature of Thoughts
Thought Bubbles
~ If time allows: Labor and Birth Ice Contractions ~ If time allows: Deep listening Exercise ~ If time allows: Mindfulness in Postpartum, Breastfeeding, and Parenting