Beth has been a midwife for 47 years. She has assisted hundreds of families as they journeyed through their pregnancies, labors, and births. She has had a meditation practice since 1995 beginning with a Zen practice and moving to Vipassana in 2001. She has participated in month-long retreats and in 2017, took a temporary ordination in Burma as a Buddhist nun. She facilitates a women's weekly virtual meditation sit and an all-gender weekly virtual One Heart Meditation; and she is part of POC and allies sangha. She can be found at
Beth additionally offers Birth Trauma Counseling free of charge for those who've had previous traumas arise or have had an event with birth that has caused trauma. This counseling does not replace care from a licensed therapist. If you need to tell your story and would like guidance from a Buddhist perspective, Beth is available to provide a safe space for you to share your experience.
Beth is the mother of 2 grown daughters, both of whom were unmedicated deliveries and one was a home birth. Her 18 year grandson was born into her hands at home on November 19, 2003.
Dr. Teresa has been working in health care and integrative medicine for 25+ years and has been a meditation instructor for 6 years. Her degrees are from Michigan State University, Bastyr University, and Seattle University. She is a specialist in mental health counseling, lactation, LGBTQ* fertility, OB/GYN, gender-affirming care, and mindfulness in labor. Her counseling practice can be found at Inner Wisdom Integrative Medicine.
Dr. Teresa has had a regular meditation and chanting practice since 2008. Her training includes Vipassana retreats, Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction courses (MBSR), Mindful Birthing courses, mindfulness retreats with Amy Edelstein, meditation retreats with Mary Stancavage, and mindfulness instructor training through the Inner Strength Foundation which was founded by Amy Edelstein in Philadelphia and is focused on providing mindfulness training to teenagers, especially in inner-city schools. Teresa has taught mindfulness and hosted meditation sessions since 2017.
She is a dog momma to a Bernie named Bella and enjoys regular horse rides. She is auntie, doula/midwife, and goddess-mother to many beloved children in her life and to a sweet pony named Archie. On the weekends, you can find her in the woods or attending to her indoor gardens.